Factors influencing perceived usability and utility of LIBERTAS at Cranfield :

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dc.creator Brooks, Peter
dc.date 1992
dc.date 2005-11-23T12:21:22Z
dc.date 2005-11-23T12:21:22Z
dc.date 1992
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-09T10:17:09Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-09T10:17:09Z
dc.identifier http://hdl.handle.net/1826/183
dc.identifier.uri https://reports.aerade.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/183
dc.description A survey of user opinions towards and experience of Cranfield’s LIBERTAS library automation system was conducted in order to determine user attitudes towards the system, user characteristics which predict these attitudes and the key areas for improvement in service provision. The survey (n = 137) included student and staff users of the academic library and included in-library and remote access of LIBERTAS. Two key attitudes concerned the main uses to which LIBERTAS can be put and the learning effort required for its use. The study identified that in general user perceptions of the utility and usability of the system are positive but indicate the need for improvements in system design and user education. It was found possible to predict more positive user attitudes on the basis of regularity and frequency of general system use and, in particular, use of the inter-library loan facility and certain catalogue searching facilities. However, other user characteristics such as demographic details and previous education and experience were not found to be associated with user attitudes toward the system. Six service change areas were identified from user opinion on recommended improvements and were concerned with additional functionality, system prompts, paper-based information support, training, Boolean searching and networking. Recommendations for service improvements in each of these areas are provided and include networking LIBERTAS with CD-ROM bibliographic retrieval systems.
dc.description CIT
dc.format 1963 bytes
dc.format 1958123 bytes
dc.format text/plain
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en_UK
dc.relation College of Aeronautics Report;9212
dc.relation CIT/CoA/R;9212
dc.title Factors influencing perceived usability and utility of LIBERTAS at Cranfield :
dc.type Technical Report

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